RapidNet starts - and then?
New Altair Community Member
Hi, I can start RapidNet, but it only loads a project "Rapid-i Forum User" and then does nothing. I.e. it actually does, it loads the project, one can play with it, but how can I start my own project?
RapidNet has no graphical project creation interface yet. It uses a configuration database for the projects. This will be specified in a file called 'configuration.xml' in the 'etc' directory of RapidNet. It looks like
The Community-Edition points to a Ingres database which was installed with RapidNet. This database contains all information about all available projects for RapidNet, i.e. what is the projects name, how RapidNet can access the real data, which fields can be used and filtered, ... etc. Connect to the database to see and browse this tables.
<!-- The parameters for the database (DB) connection -->
<parameter key="db.system" value="Ingres" />
<parameter key="db.url" value="jdbc:ingres://localhost:RN7/rapidnet;dbms_user=rapidnet;dbms_password=rapidnet" />
<parameter key="db.username" value="rapidnet" />
<parameter key="db.password" value="rapidnet" />
Take the table "RN_PROJ_PROJECTS" for example, which has the fields 'project_id', 'project_status' and 'project_name'. Furthermore every project needs data which will be displayed. To access this data which could be on another database, e.g. your company production database, your next step is to configure database connection to your target database in the table 'RN_APP_DB_CONNECTIONS'. This connections you can use in the table 'RN_PROJ_BASE_DATA_SETS' to specify the meta data in detail.
You can use the configuration of the 'Rapid-I Forum User' database to get an idea of how to configure your own project.