Error named "ISTOP=-2"

I am performing static analysis of an object with using MATS1 card for defining stress strain curve and type as elastic. But during the analysis I always get an error named 'ISTOP=-2, Radioss implicit stopped due to time step limit'.
I have already tried increasing number of increments, changing the slover type from NEWT to BFGS in '
NLPARAM' but no use.
Is there any remedy to avoid this problem ?
Please find attached troubleshooting method for Istop=-2 error.
Rahul R
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Thank you very much Rahul.
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Hello Rahul,
1. I have read the PDF and tried to simulate accordingly. But I am still getting the error Istop=-2. I have defined material using MATS1 and Tables1 for stress strain curve.Can this error rise because of the stress strain curve (I guess I should make it more fine that is I should define more points in it). But using the same curve in MATHE did not gave me any error.
2. Also if I have a case which has compressive load and another case which has tensile load. So in such case how should I define stress curve. (i.e. for compressive load case ,curve should be third quadrant and for tensile case curve should be in first quadrant? I am asking this because in another example, for compressive load, I defined curve in first quadrant and still recieved correct results using Mats1. Material was Rubber i.e. Hyperelastic)
Can you add any comments on this matter?
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Hi Bharat,
Since you have a hypereleastic material, MATHE should be the perfect choice. But be careful when referencing the curve because the X axis should be the stretch ratio and not the engineering/true strain.
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Hello Prakash,
Yes I have used Mathe card and it ran smoothly.
Thanks and Regards