Output for Random Response
Hello Everyone,
I have few doubts in output of Random Response.
1. In hyperview I am getting two subcases , i - 'Random' in which I get All PSD and RMS outputs. ii - 'Random Response' in which I get general outputs.
Can anyone tell me why there are two subcases and what is the difference between results obtained from them.
2. What is difference between RMS and RMS cummulated.
3. Are the o/p generated in 'random' subcase have units as (e.g. for acceleration) g^2/hz or only g.
Hello Prakash,
Thank you for the reply. But still I am in doubt about the results obtained in two subcases. What exactly is the interpretation of the acceleration(or any other output) obtained in random response subcase. I have understood the PSD and RMS o/p from optistruct help.
Additionally I have a query regarding o/p of random case.
While in hyperview, for random response subcase,why are we having different results for acceleration (and other also) for linear animation mode and modal animation mode?
Thanks and Regards,
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linear animation mode is for Linear & Nonlinear analysis output. For Modal analysis use Modal animation mode.