Unable to download User manual-rapid miner

New Altair Community Member
i am unable to download Rapid-Miner user manual. Kindly mail a copy to shant.prusty@gmail.com
Further, I tried to update Rapid-miner with R-extension. While connecting the Rapid Miner to R library jre.dll file I made mistake. Now I am unable to modify the path. I tried going to Help-> manage updates. but failed. Do I have to re-install Rapid miner?
Further, I tried to update Rapid-miner with R-extension. While connecting the Rapid Miner to R library jre.dll file I made mistake. Now I am unable to modify the path. I tried going to Help-> manage updates. but failed. Do I have to re-install Rapid miner?
Hi sushant,
here is the direct link in case the offical home pager does not work for you:
Regarding you installtion problem: the easiest way might be to delete the ".RapidMiner5" folder in you user directory. Be aware that this folder is hidden so you need to enable the proper options "show hidden files" in you Explorer.
If desired, make a backup beforehand.
Ciao Sebastian0