Javadoc & src jar - and depracated methods in RapidMinerFromExternal

carmit New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
I'm totally new to RM (though not to Weka, Java etc...)
I'm developing in Eclipse.
I need to link the RM classes to sources via a jar file (i.e. not individual java files) and also to javadoc through a jar file.
Do I have to produce these jars myself? Or can they be downloaded from someplace?
Also, I'm using the file RapidMinerFromExternal as a basis for my own program. But it contains deprecated methods.
(I downloaded the newest version from the svn repository through Eclipse)


  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    Hi Carmit,

    well, this file has been out of order for some time now. In fact I wasn't even aware that it exists :)

    The jar file is available together with the java doc at in the Project RapidMiner.

    If you integrate RapidMiner please be aware that it's AGPL3 and needs your program to be licensed under AGPL3 as well.

  • carmit
    carmit New Altair Community Member
    Thank you for your answer! My Eclipse project now sees both the src & the javadoc.

    Could you please tell me where I could find a complete and current code sample similar to the deprecated RapidMinerFromExternal which would get me started on my code?

  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    Hi Carmit,
    unfortunately: No. I'm not aware that such an document exists and we don't have the time right now to write it. Sorry for that. And I stop promising that there will be a White Paper about integration because we pushed the release data since a half year now...
