"Performance of rapidminer"

New Altair Community Member
Recently i started using rapidminer for clustering documents. Could you please let me know how much time this tool takes for clustering some 1000 full text documents starting from tf-idf creation to clustering using some basic algo like k means on core2 duo processor with 3gb ram!
Recently i started using rapidminer for clustering documents. Could you please let me know how much time this tool takes for clustering some 1000 full text documents starting from tf-idf creation to clustering using some basic algo like k means on core2 duo processor with 3gb ram!
nope. But probably it will be faster trying than tipping another question about this.
Sebastian0 -
I tried with some 500 documents. It is taking more than 10 min on above given hardware configuration, thats why i had posted the question. Of course, Rapidminer is easy to try than posting question:)0
I guess you now know how long it takes in your configuration with your process, but you probably wanted to know if this is normal. Well, I still don't know, depends on your documents and on what you are doing.
In the same time I already analysed serveral thousand documents including svm training.