"Text processing and Rapidminer 5.1"

Richy New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

I updated my rapidminer and the text processing plugin to the new version and I cant use anymore the text process operators.

I'm trying to use "Process documents" on a file and "Process documents from files" on a folder and both are not working. I tried almost every configuration possible and I'm always getting an empty Word List and an empty Data Table.

Before the update, it was working very well.
Would you have any idea?



  • Richy
    Richy New Altair Community Member
    Well, I just restarted Rapidminer and it's now working. I don't really understand how it is possible, but it seems its working well now.
  • restuar
    restuar New Altair Community Member
    i have a similar problem only i can't get past the update function. all extensions have been updated except for the text processing feature.

    update failed: error in opening zip file. if you are installing updates, please make sure that you are executing RapidMiner with administrator privileges.
    Exception: java.util.zip.ZipException
    Message: error in opening zip file
    Stack trace:

      java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(Native Method)
      java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
      java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
      java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
      java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
      java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
      java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

    any help will be greatly appreciated.
  • IngoRM
    IngoRM New Altair Community Member

    I got the same message but was able to solve it with the following steps. Please make sure that you first update RapidMiner to the latest version (5.1.001) and then restart if before proceeding with the update / installation of the Text Extension. That's it, by following these instructions I was able to update the Text Extension as well.

    This should do the trick. If this does not work, you could also remove the Text Extension completely and re-install it from the scratch. This can be done manually:
    • go into your "Documents and Settings" folder and into your user directory (on Windows) or your home directory (Unix)
    • go into the directory ".RapidMiner5" (note the dot at the beginning, the folder is possibly hidden)
    • go into the directory "managed"
    • remove the Jar files for the Text Extension
    • open the file "extensions.xml" with an editor and remove the <extension>...</extension> entry of the Text Extension
    You may want to make a backup first though. After that, re-install the Text Extension via the update mechanism.

  • restuar
    restuar New Altair Community Member
    cheers, indeed. it is now working. thanks!
  • IngoRM
    IngoRM New Altair Community Member
    You are welcome. I actually have no idea why this happens for some installation but glad that it is relatively easy to fix.
