"Transactional 2 Basket"

Floink New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Altair RapidMiner
I want to do a Market Basket analysis, my Data is of the Type:

TID          ITEM
15514.0 105.0
15515.0 120.0
15516.0 144.0
15516.0 146.0
15517.0 215.0
15518.0 70.0

So in my opinion Transactional2Basket should be he right Process.
I imported it to a repository with the following Meta Data:
regular TID         integer
regular ITEM integer

So my Data has exactly the same structure like the sample Data in the "Market Data" - Data set

But now i get a little Prolem with the Transactional2Basket Process. It doesnt really work, there is always only one result for FPGrowth and this is the Product in the First ROW.

When running the Process the log always says:
Dec 19, 2010 9:56:18 PM WARNING: FPGrowth: Removed 1 non-binominal attribute, frequent item set mining is only supported for the positive values of binominal attributes.

Even when running the sample Process with the Sample Data.

Could this be my Problem?

I'd by verly happy if you could help me, I've been trying since two weeks.

Regards Floink