Google App Engine

aleksandar New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Has anybody got Rapid Miner working with Google App Engine? Would it be possible and what would be main considerations? Many thanks.


  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    as far as I know, Java Programs can't create new threads inside the APP Engine. It will be hard managing more complex tasks without RapidMiner Processes, which are based upon thread creation...

  • aleksandar
    aleksandar New Altair Community Member
    Thanks. Absolutely right in a sense that GAE comes with limitations. Maybe my question was to wide.

    We don't intent to get RM working on Google but rather a developed statistical model in RM deployed as an App over the web. The App will do a PCA and Clustering (K-means). Would this be possible? How would be package and deploy this solution?

    If getting RM is not a solution (cetrainly a prefered route for us) then any input on the alternatives is welcome.

    Many thanks.
  • fastthinker
    fastthinker New Altair Community Member
    Dear Experts,
    I tried to integrate RM 5.0 with GAE. Failed because java.util.ResourceBundle$Control is not in whitelist of the GAE. Has anybody met this? What is the solution? Will it work with previous version of RM, e.g.4.5?
    Thank you
  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    actually RapidMiner comes with a hell of classes probably NOT on the white list. I think the most promising way is to not really do the calculations in the google app yourself but publishing an model application process as a web service using RapidAnalytics and then just docking the google app to the web service. Of course this needs an additional web server...

  • aleksandar
    aleksandar New Altair Community Member
    FYI we got it working for a simple example. It wasn't that hard.
  • THW_Mark
    THW_Mark New Altair Community Member
    what is the exact advantage of using this, except for direct reporting to the web? I assume google imposes a memory limitation on the scripts that are exectured?
  • wessel
    wessel New Altair Community Member
    aleksandar wrote:

    FYI we got it working for a simple example. It wasn't that hard.
    Can you upload some screenshots?