2 model comparision

yes, that i know, but i would like to have 1 page with visualization values stress 1st model minus strresses of 2nd model
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there is no such possibility?
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Hi Jakub,
This may not be possible with result math function in HyperView.
I am trying out a workaround with derived load steps options with type as linear superposition assuming you have linear static analysis results, you can have both result files a single HyperView window.
I will update you soon about my findings.
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Hi Jakub,
The derived loadstep workaround is working for component stresses.
But, if you are looking at Vonmises combo, V1+V2 is not correct. In linear combination for Von Mises stress you don’t have to check on the scalar value but on the tensor.
In the attached image the First image on the left is a linear superposition but with a negative scale factor. This means result1-result2 and this matches with the calculation.
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Steps for Workaround:
1) Load the First result file in HyperView and open Derived LoadStep panel
2) In derived loadsteps panel click result file and select the second result file, Now you should see two result files
3) Create a NEW derived loadstep of the type Linear superposition.
4)Select the first result file's load case and add this using the arrows in the panel. Make sure the constant scale factor is set to '1' for this
5) Repeat the same for the second result file's load case but this time the scale factor is '-1'
6) Click apply and Go to Loadstep Result browser and from the drop down select the Derived loadstep you have created and contour for component stresses.
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i found out... it is in Derived Results :-)
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Hi Jakub,
Works either ways,
Thanks for the update,.
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Is there a way this could be done for a non linear analysis? for example the belt region of a tyre?
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Could you please explain in detail?