"Association rule mining"

rrrkec New Altair Community Member
edited 2024 05 in Community Q&A

I have a dataset formatted as follows:

1 10 20 30 51
2  23 45 67
3 34 56 77
4 56 77 89
5 68 66 90
The first column represents the transaction -id. From second column onwards the numbers represent the item nos. purchased by a customer. I would like to generate association rules and frequent itemsets.

I have rapiminer 4.0.

How can i use RM4.0 to get Frequent itemset and association rules

Thanks and Regards


  • el_chief
    el_chief New Altair Community Member
    1. Why RM 4? RM 5 is free, ya know

    2. Association analysis is for large *binary* datasets, meaning 1s and 0s only
  • IngoRM
    IngoRM New Altair Community Member

    el chief ist right with both points. Let me add that you could transform your data set by preprocessing operator within RapidMiner in order to get such a binary data set. Search for example for Pivoting here in the forum in order to get more information about this.
