installing rapidminer on macs

New Altair Community Member
I have no programming experience, and am having trouble installing rapidminer on my mac.
I started by downloading RapidMiner for 'other systems.' I have Java installed and tried running these scripts listed in the 'install directions:' scripts / rapidminer and scripts / RapidMinerGUI. But when I press 'run' under scripts, my computer says 'The variable rapidminer is not defined.' Do you know what I am doing wrong? Thanks!
I started by downloading RapidMiner for 'other systems.' I have Java installed and tried running these scripts listed in the 'install directions:' scripts / rapidminer and scripts / RapidMinerGUI. But when I press 'run' under scripts, my computer says 'The variable rapidminer is not defined.' Do you know what I am doing wrong? Thanks!
Hi mruck,
Just go to rapidminer/lib, you will find rapidminer.jar file.
double click this file it will launch the Rapidminer GUI.
You can creat a file (that is the standard mac applications file) with the application "Jar Bundler"0