Hangs on "Creating Frame" when starting: Windows 7 x64

lillfjant New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

I just DLed Rapidminer and installed it, but I'm having problems running the program.
When I start RM, it hangs on the "Creating frame" part of the loading. I let it sit for 1.5h but nothing else happened.

I've never used RM before so this is my first run. I'm not sure where to really begin solving this problem. I've re-installed but that didn't help.

Would appreciate any help!


  • SebastianLoh
    SebastianLoh New Altair Community Member
    Hi ilillfjant,

    did you also tried the 32Bit Version of RM?

    Ciao Sebastian
  • lillfjant
    lillfjant New Altair Community Member
    Yeah I just did and it didn't work either. I have UAC turned off, but tried the run as admin anyways and still didn't work unfortunately. I've also tried using different compatability modes
  • SebastianLoh
    SebastianLoh New Altair Community Member
    Hi lilldjant,

    sorry for the bad start into RM. The last advise I can give is to start the rapidminer.jar (.\lib\rapidminer.jar) from the command line, having the newst Java version installed. The command is

          java -jar C:\Program Files (x86)\Rapid-I\RapidMiner5\lib\rapidminer.jar

    presuming C:\Program Files (x86)\Rapid-I\RapidMiner5\ is your install directory (hopefully the spaces in the Program path does not bother the command...).

    If you could provide us the command line output, then we'll would have a chance to determine the error.



    P.S. Sometimes multi monitor systems are a problem. Try to start RM with only one monitor installed.
  • lillfjant
    lillfjant New Altair Community Member
    Thanks for the advice, I'm on vacation atm but will try as soon as I get home.

    I'm actually running dual monitors so perhaps that could be the problem. Is there a workaround to get dual monitor comps to work?