E, contact stiffness change - modal analysis

Hi, I have model (from ansys classic), I imported it to hm, and change solver to Optistruct, all elements types changed so ok.
I have test results (two Hz values one for horizontal and one vertical mode shape), I would like to modify Young modulus, and contact stiffness.
Is it possible to run such optimization in Optistruct? What responses, and objective I need to set. I short... how make it work? :-)
Best regards,
Altair Forum User said:
Hi, I have model (from ansys classic), I imported it to hm, and change solver to Optistruct, all elements types changed so ok.
Hi Jakub,
Instead you can convert the solver deck from Ansys to OptiStruct. Use Tools>>Convert>> Ansys>> To OptiStruct
Altair Forum User said:I would like to modify Young modulus, and contact stiffness.
Is it possible to run such optimization in Optistruct?
What optimization are you looking at?
Using Size optimization one can define material properties as design variables.
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I have lots of mode shapes, but i want two of them to change frequency (to what I desired) by changing Young modulus of parts, and contact stiffness's, there is lots of parts and contact (full engine).
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unfortunately there are errors when i want to check if modal analisys calculates after convertion to optistruct, I was hoping it will be fast
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Can you let me know what errors you have while solving?