Start vovconsole panes in Horizontal graph view and specify font size

The vovconsole panes can be viewed in Grid, Horizontal Graph and Vertical Graph views. I can specify panes ahead of time with 1> command line options, and 2> the gui/panes.tcl file.
Both of these options support grid and vertical (graph) mode. For example:
vovconsole -view grid -set setName -view graph -set setName2
or in panes.tcl:
RestorePane "setName" "grid" "Name"
RestorePane "setName2" "graph" "Name2"
In both cases, 'graph' only refers to the vertical graph mode. Is there a way to specify the Horizontal Graph view from command line or panes.tcl settings?
The natural choices would be: vovconsole -grid horizontal, and RestorePane "horizontal", but those are not recognized. I am only able to select Horizontal Graph view mode once in the gui by using the 'H' hotkey. This can be tedius to do for all panes when re-opening a vovconsole.
Similarly, the default fontsize is 14 pt for each pane (fontsize of text on the Nodes inside the pane). Is there a way to specify the default fontsize scaling (e.g., 10pt) for each pane from the command line or via a .tcl file parameter (setup.tcl, gui.tcl, panes.tcl)? I find myself having to hit '-' several times on every new pane, and cannot save the font size setting somewhere to remain the size I need it to be.