Best Setting x64

B_Miner New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hi guys -

I just got a new PC: i-7 930 Intel quad processors, Windows 7 pro 64 bit, 18 gig of RAM.

My question, how to get configure RM to take advantage of the horsepower? The default # of threads when I downloaded RM 5 64 bit was 8. Anything I can do to get optimal performance generally?



  • wessel
    wessel New Altair Community Member
    How you have 18 GB?

    You use 4GB modules?
  • B_Miner
    B_Miner New Altair Community Member
    4 4 4 4 2 I believe. But of course that was not the question :)
  • B_Miner
    B_Miner New Altair Community Member
    What I was wondering is if there is something akin to setting the maxheap parameter in WEKA to allow JVM access to more memory. Is this needed/possible in RM? If so, how should we change the parameter?

  • wessel
    wessel New Altair Community Member
    java -Xmx18G -jar ./rapidminer/lib/rapidminer.jar
  • B_Miner
    B_Miner New Altair Community Member
    Thanks Wessell! Do you just run that from the command prompt once you are in the RM directory?
  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    the exe file of RapidMiner will always use around 90% of the free available physical memory as far as I remember. I would not suggest taking more, because then swapping might occur although java have enough free space if just it would know that it has to execute the garbage collection.
    Anyway you can directly start the jar file from RapidMiner's lib directory or use the start script in the scripts directory. The scripts are easily modifiable to change the amount of allocated memory.

  • dragoljub
    dragoljub New Altair Community Member

    By default how much max ram is allocated to RM (in the system monitor view) from your 18 Gigs?

    Some times I find that the MAX Ram is quite a bit lower than my total capacity not taken up by windows.


  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    Hi Gagi,
    as I said, the exe file launching RapidMiner allocates 90% of the free memory for RapidMiner. In extreme settings like yours (10% of 18gigs are nearly 2 gigs) it might become more handy to edit the RapidMinerGUI.bat and set the memory manually.
