Rapid Miner, How to Start?

filipags New Altair Community Member
edited 2024 05 in Community Q&A
Hello, i'm new in data mining, and i have to deliver a work that is a table with lost of columuns with all kinds of data, numbers, 1(male) or 2(female), a lot of missings spaces...don´t know were to start.....i any one could help me!!


  • SebastianLoh
    SebastianLoh New Altair Community Member
    Hi filipags,

    welcome to the Rapidminer community! A good start to get familiar with Rapidminer is to watch the introduction videos on the rapid-i website: http://rapid-i.com/content/view/189/198/lang,en/.

    Then you can also take a look at the RM Tutorial that you can find in the Help menu of RM (search in the forum for post regarding the tutorial too).

    Finally you'll find a lot of example an demonstration processes regarding different data mining task and features of RM through the Community Extension. In order to get access to them, install the RM Community plugin via the RM updater and follow the simple HowTo on www.e-lico.eu. You do not need a MyExperiment account to get access to RM workflow, though.

    However, we encourage everyone to share RM workflows on the MyExperiment.org portal, which needs an account.

    I wish you a good start!

    Ciao Sebastian