Healt Cancer Data Mining

New Altair Community Member
hi all
I have a problem about the processing of data mining, I happened to be new in this. I need advice from you all about how these data problems solved.
there is a data training for a medical check cancer.
data can be downloaded at the following link:
This type of lab test data is for type 1 & 4 ordinal type, while type 2 and type 3 nominal.
Thanks for all before
I have a problem about the processing of data mining, I happened to be new in this. I need advice from you all about how these data problems solved.
there is a data training for a medical check cancer.
data can be downloaded at the following link:
This type of lab test data is for type 1 & 4 ordinal type, while type 2 and type 3 nominal.
Thanks for all before
Can you expand on data definition and what you would like to do here?