Using Aggregate -MarketBasket Analysis

New Altair Community Member
it does basically the same thing as the aggregation known from databases (group by plus aggregation function). Here are some infos:
Ingo0 -
i think u have missunderstood me ::)
. i know what the aggregation does. but i need a motivation to use it.
i need a specific situation where this operator is applied.
Lotus0 -
Oh, I must than have misunderstood
By reading your statement again it of course says "I need a motivation" for using it
But what exactly does it do?
The answer still is the same: Read the text given in the links, they also give a motivation in which situations the operator can be applied.
Ingo0 -
as far as i understood the content given in the link this operator can be used to get sum of each product in the data set.
But in which cases do i need to know how much e.g. apple i got in the Data set. That was my question.
Both links say 'u can use the aggregate for sum, average etc. but when is it useful in Association analysis...
Lotus0 -
No, is was not. But anyway...
That was my question.
If this is useful in association analysis or not can not be answered in general. If you want to search for associations in aggregations you will probably need the aggregation operator. Don't forget that you could define several attribute which should be used for grouping and in that case you will end up with several transactions containing different sums of apples / bananas / ... for different groups - what is quite similar to different items for different transactions.
If you are not aiming at something like that, you probably won't need it. It's as simple as that.
Ingo0 -
thx alot for the information. now i have enough to work on the problem on my own