exporting processes with Weka operators in the RM 58

dan_agape New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
I installed the latest version of RM (5.0.08). For some reason I could not export processes using Weka operators. I reinstalled RM, the same problem appeared. Finally I reinstalled a previous version (5.0.05), and exporting worked properly.



  • earmijo
    earmijo New Altair Community Member
    I'm having problems with Weka too. Sometimes, when I'm constructing a process and I place the cursor on the Weka operator I cannot see the window to set parameters. I'm also getting all sorts of warnings. I didn't get them in the previous version.
  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    yes, the WEKA Extension is outdated and does not support the new long term compatibility strategy added to RapidMiner with the latest update.
    But you are lucky guys: We just received an email from one of our enterprise customer that demanded to readd WEKA support. So we will give that priority and the update should arrive within the next few hours.

  • dan_agape
    dan_agape New Altair Community Member

    Sebastian, it sounds good, thanks.

    Another thing regarding Weka: why the preprocessing operators from Weka are not incorporated in RM? At least I do not find them. Obviously RM is already quite strong in preprocessing functionality, but some essential operators, which already exist in Weka, have been forgotten. For instance: discarding the attributes with too many missing values. Someone suggested a non-straightforward solution which actually I could not use.


  • IngoRM
    IngoRM New Altair Community Member

    Obviously RM is already quite strong in preprocessing functionality, but some essential operators, which already exist in Weka, have been forgotten.
    it's not a matter of "forgetting". In our own projects, we did just had not the need for these operator or - more likely - we had the ability to build those operators by using the other, already existing, operators. And since noone else paid us for implementing them...  ;)

    In contrast to the learning schemes, which can easily be integrated from Weka, this is hardly true for the filters. Data structures are different for both applications and filtering changes data a lot (in contrast to mere modeling) and hence we would have to integrate and optimize each Weka filter anew - which needs the same amount of time as simply implementing them for RapidMiner and make use of the more powerful data structures and allow things like preprocessing models, views with on-the-fly calculation etc.

    Someone suggested a non-straightforward solution which actually I could not use.
    What's wrong with this solution? Works well for me...

  • dan_agape
    dan_agape New Altair Community Member

    Hi Ingo,

    Thanks - I'll try to use that solution again. For some reason I was not successful the first time. It would still be nice for your business customers to have this operator - in particular for those which use imperfect/missing data frequently. Just for productivity and user friendly-ness reasons.

    Many thanks for making this amazing software available! It really makes a difference for the Data Mining community. 


  • IngoRM
    IngoRM New Altair Community Member

    For some reason I was not successful the first time. It would still be nice for your business customers to have this operator - in particular for those which use imperfect/missing data frequently.
    I completely agree. By the way: You delivered every single reason why people should really consider to change to the Enterprise Edition of RapidMiner  ;D
    • You have a problem with a process: Don't worry, ask our Enterprise Support and we will help you in resolving your problems immediately.
    • You need another operator or an extension of existing ones: Don't worry, we are happy to fulfill our customer needs as soon as possible.
    I usually try not to bother you guys with too much advertisement for our Enterprise Services here in the community forum but - hey - this was a great opportunity  ;)
