how update rapidminer on computer not connected to internet

New Altair Community Member
I have rapidminer running on a computer that is not connected to internet. Can I copy the rapidminer5 folder and subfolders from my laptop after I update it to my other computer?
Or are there only a few files that need to be copied?
Or are there only a few files that need to be copied?
there are probably only a few files that need to be updated, but it's not worth the effort searching them, I guess. You could either copy this files or just reinstall it with the newest version downloadable from our website. Settings should be kept in both ways.
Sebastian0 -
I updated my laptop and installed all the extensions up to date (text, weka, etc.)
I copied the rapidminer5 folder to the computer not on the internet. It starts and shows rm 5.006 as the version, but does not have any extensions installed. I can not view Help/View Installed Extensions, there is no menu choice - but it exists on my laptop.
My laptop has RM installed to C: and my other computer RM runs from E:
Any ideas what I am doing incorrectly? thanks
0 -
Hi B.,
I think you have done most thinks correctly. RM is up to dat now. But RapidMiner installes plugins downloaded via the update manager not at C:\Program Files\Rapid-I\... but at C:\Users\<Your Username>\.RapidMiner5\managed\ .
Best regards,
P.S.: Paths are given for Vista, but I think you can figure it out.0