sendmail bug

New Altair Community Member
I know this is not the right place for bugs but I have no access to the bugtracker (password reset doesn't work :-\ ). I was trying to set up a new rapidminer instance at a remote computer. I also wanted to set up email sending via sendmail (for the first time). I always got the news:
Best regards,
I know this is not the right place for bugs but I have no access to the bugtracker (password reset doesn't work :-\ ). I was trying to set up a new rapidminer instance at a remote computer. I also wanted to set up email sending via sendmail (for the first time). I always got the news:
I was quite frustrated as I tried every way to set it but the error persisted. So I inspected the code and found the following code in [tt]MailSenderSendmail.sendMail[/tt] (lines 37--40, latest released version):
2010-05-29 08:55:23 SEVERE: Must specify sendmail command to use sendmail. (WrapperLoggingHandler.log())
String command = System.getProperty(RapidMiner.PROPERTY_RAPIDMINER_TOOLS_SENDMAIL_COMMAND);The bug is in the if condition. The second part must read
if ((command == null) || (command.length() > 0)) {
LogService.getGlobal().log("Must specify sendmail command to use sendmail.", LogService.ERROR);
} else { ...
command.length() <= 0It is no error if there is text in the property ;-)
Best regards,
thanks for the patch. Fixed.