rm gives error on my data, i tried to load it excell and csv format

yakaryos New Altair Community Member
edited 2024 05 in Community Q&A


RM gives error....I load my data in several types, in excell and csv format. I read smilar topics in forum but I can't solve the problem. my data is below;


It has 13 attributes and 15671 examples, i tried a lot, but the problem is when i click finish on the loading page,it  close and repository don't include my data.

buy if i edit my data, i only use my 100 examples, there isn't a problem.

I am curious aboaut that rm is only for 100 examples?

what can i do?

best regards,


  • MartinKoch
    MartinKoch New Altair Community Member

    I can give you two links to similiar problems:

    They propably provide no solution but at least a workaround (which is from me actually).

    Hope it helps you.

    Nonetheless I'm curious about the real cause, too.

  • yakaryos
    yakaryos New Altair Community Member
    i read all smilar topics in forum but i couldnt solve the problem. anyone can do it and explain for me?
    best regards.
  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    I just tried to import your xls data to my repository and it worked without problems. So please make sure that,
    1) you entered a valid repository location in a reachable repository (file access must be possible)
    2) you have the newest version of RapidMiner.

    I must admit that I tested it with the current developer version. Might be that this problem has been solved since the last update.

  • yakaryos
    yakaryos New Altair Community Member

    I think my problem will be solved when you make the last update. I am waiting for that. i have the last version of rp but the developer version is better than mine i think.

    best regards.
  • mcpreto
    mcpreto New Altair Community Member
    I had a similar problem!

    The other forum threads didn't helped me. I had a very limited data set, so memory was not the issue. I'm using RM under Windows XP and the data loading failed without any error message.

    The problem was in my data set file format. I had an empty line at the end and a few lines ended with an empty cell.

    After editing my data file (it was a CSV file), the data loaded perfectly.

    I hope it helps you.

    Marco Preto