Please I want to see a real example

naimo New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Good afternoon,
  I am a student in the PHD school of computer,I have learnt about Data Mining but until now I did not make a real project with it.I have heard about Rapidminer and many peoples had recommanded it but I can not figure out how can I make some thing with it.please if you can send me a little project as example (since the database until the end of Data mining process using Rapidminer)I will be very grateful.


  • SebastianLoh
    SebastianLoh New Altair Community Member
    Hi naimo,

    I am sure you already discovered the Rapid Miner Online Tutorial on the welcome page of RM. It guides you through the basic feature of RM and shows some simple applications too. However, providing a real world example is tough since real world data mostly is not public and often touches privacy issues and/or business secrets.

    In the RM Sample repository you can find some example data sets and processes.

    Sorry we can not provide you any real world data.

    Ciao Sebastian
  • SebastianLoh
    SebastianLoh New Altair Community Member
    Hi naimo,

    I just discovered some data mining examples.

    On you find some data sets and data mining task sorted by problem type, application area and many more.

    This should give you  an idea of what you can do with data mining.

    Ciao Sebastian