javadocs for rapidminer 5

New Altair Community Member
Hi all,
I can't find the javadocs for RapidMiner 5 API (only for the 4.6 version). Are the javadocs for the beta version available anywhere?
I'm trying to write a simple java app that applies a naive Bayesian model on some ExampleSet with data populated from Java. Do you know any other tutorial / forum posts that could help me unterstand something out of the RapidMiner 5 API, because I see there are quite some differences between 5 and 4.6 (the code made with the 4.6 tutorial throws deprecation errors in 5)?
I can't find the javadocs for RapidMiner 5 API (only for the 4.6 version). Are the javadocs for the beta version available anywhere?
I'm trying to write a simple java app that applies a naive Bayesian model on some ExampleSet with data populated from Java. Do you know any other tutorial / forum posts that could help me unterstand something out of the RapidMiner 5 API, because I see there are quite some differences between 5 and 4.6 (the code made with the 4.6 tutorial throws deprecation errors in 5)?
Hi Florin,
in the meantime we have released the final version of RapidMiner 5.0:,1749.0.html
We have updated the links to the Javadoc as well and you can download the API docs for RapidMiner 5.0 now from our web site at
Ingo0 -
many thx ingo0