real-time data

turicum New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hi everybody,

is it possible to use rapidminer to process a real-time data-stream, possibly by wrapping it into an application and importing the models as XML?




  • turicum
    turicum New Altair Community Member
    I reply my own question.. from the tutorial of rm v.4.6 it seems - in principle - possible. Is that true?


  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    Hi Alex,
    this can be done in principle. Although I would not build on any java program when you have hard real time constraints (think of Garbage Collection or stuff like that), you could use RapidMiner in an online fashion. Especially if it is only to apply some pretrained models, this should be doable if you have sufficient computational power to cope with the mass of data coming in. Regardless of your computer, you have to be aware, that applying such a complex computation like model application adds always some delay in the processing of your data...

    In fact we are using RapidMiner in this fashion ourself: We provide an Webservice classifying arbitrary customer data that must be able to cope with several hundred thousand classifications per day on a mid size server and it works quite well.

  • turicum
    turicum New Altair Community Member
    Hi Sebastian,

    thank you for your reply. CPU power and latency are two of the main issues in real-time processing and it's good to know that RM is already being used in production for this kind of applications.
