Synonym Lexicon

lexusboy New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

Is it possible to have synonyms detection during the pre processing phase, I could not find any operators which could facilitate this. If this isn't possible in the current rapidminer implementation, how can one extend rapidminer to do so?

Best Regards,


  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    Hi Bhavya,
    if you have a static synonym dictionary, you might use the Dictionary operator. You might specify there, which character sequence will be translated to witch target sequence for unifying multiple synonyms.
    If you want to find these synonyms automatically, you will have to implement your own operator, since we don't support this yet.

    We will publish a white paper for developing RapidMiner 5 extensions shortly. It will give detailed instructions for how to do things. If you need to implement this urgently, you should have a look in the source code and use some operators as example.
    If you want to develop for RapidMiner 4.x, what I could not recommend, there's a description in the manual.
