"Running rapid miner 5 on a apple machines"

New Altair Community Member
I have been using the beta version of rapid miner 5.0 on the mac without a problem. I downloaded the new 5.0 RC version and when I try to run it the splash screen appears but does not go any further. I have tried on several different apple machines with the same results. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
unfortunately this is bug. We had some problems with the new build files, because the manifests classpath definition contained \ instead of / because we built it at a windows machine. (So much to portability of java) This one is fixed, but the RC version remains defect. Of course you might unzip the jar file, replace the backslahes and zip it again to make it run...
We are going to release the final version soon, so that we don't want to make an update, because building all the stuff and uploading to source forge and the update server takes up to a day...