Proxy definition for Read URL?

sgtrock New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Is there some way to declare a proxy definition for Import -> Data -> Read URL? I'm thinking in terms of either pulling an authentication token from an LDAP or Active Directory server, or possibly prompting for a username/password combination.  Is such a feature a feasible one to implement in the future?



  • IngoRM
    IngoRM New Altair Community Member

    thanks for pointing that out. This is actually one of the major drawbacks why RapidMiner 5 was released as "release candidate" and not final yet. We have filed a bug some time ago:

    and it is likely that this will be implemented until the final release of RM 5.

    Thanks for bringing this really important issue back to the top again.

  • Legacy User
    Legacy User New Altair Community Member
    I have a question regarding "Read URL", though not relating (i don't think) to Proxy definitions. I have created several process that utilize the "Read URL" operator. However, every time I close out of RapidMiner and later restart it and attempt to open one of those processes, I get an alert saying that all instances of of "Read URL" have been changed to "Read CSV".

    Process Import Messages
    Below you see a list of messages that were generated during the import of the process file. It lists all changes that were made due to changes from earlier RapidMiner versions to the current version and helps you to fix problems if problems arose during import. You can typically ignore these messages unless you see any error messages highlighted in red.*
    Importing process produced the following messages:
    1. Deprecated operator 'read_url' was replaced by 'read_csv'.
    2. Deprecated operator 'read_url' was replaced by 'read_csv'.
    23. Deprecated operator 'read_url' was replaced by 'read_csv'.

    * no message is highlighted in red.

    Any idea what this means / why it's happening / how to fix it? Is it possible to reopen "Read URL" processes without the automatic conversion to "Read CSV"?

  • fischer
    fischer New Altair Community Member

    the Read CSV operator is as powerful as the Read URL. Therefore, the Read URL was deprecated, and is automatically replaced. You can just use the Read CSV and enter a URL into the file field.
