Heat exchange

I need help with analyzing heat exchange in a heat sink using AcuSolve and HyperMesh. I'm not sure how to approach the analysis. I already define inlet, outlet, symmetry, and heat source, but when I do the analysis, I cannot get the analysis of the heat sink; instead, I just get information about the heat source. I use surface mesh 2D (auto mesh) to define faces and volume 3d (CFD tetramesh) for fluid. Can anyone provide guidance or resources to help me understand the process better?
You'll most likely want to use HyperWorks CFD or SimLab for this, as the interface for AcuSolve in HyperMesh has not been updated for a few releases now.
Aside from that - might be better if you attach some images showing what you want to simulate - which solids, which fluids, etc. What are you trying to learn from the analysis?
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acupro_21778 said:
You'll most likely want to use HyperWorks CFD or SimLab for this, as the interface for AcuSolve in HyperMesh has not been updated for a few releases now.
Aside from that - might be better if you attach some images showing what you want to simulate - which solids, which fluids, etc. What are you trying to learn from the analysis?
This are picture of my simulation. The first one is my heat sink, and the second is my wall, where air flows through to the heat sink to cool and the heat sink is being placed.
This is a detailed problem
The aluminum heat sink considered in the current study is presented in Figure 2 and
the size of the rectangular fluid domain is 0.305 × 0.310 × 0.037 m. A uniformly distributed power input of 9.5 W is supplied to the bottom of the heat sink, which corresponds to 6250 W/m2, which is usually generated in data centers. The uniform velocity is employed at the air inlet with a temperature of 25 ◦C, and the airflow is laminar at a Reynolds number of 1000, which corresponds to an averaged air inlet velocity of 1.46 m/s.
I try to do simulations to analyze the temperature of the heat sink and the thermal boundary of it. but when I do the simulation, the result only shows the heat source.0 -
zxin said:
This are picture of my simulation. The first one is my heat sink, and the second is my wall, where air flows through to the heat sink to cool and the heat sink is being placed.
This is a detailed problem
The aluminum heat sink considered in the current study is presented in Figure 2 and
the size of the rectangular fluid domain is 0.305 × 0.310 × 0.037 m. A uniformly distributed power input of 9.5 W is supplied to the bottom of the heat sink, which corresponds to 6250 W/m2, which is usually generated in data centers. The uniform velocity is employed at the air inlet with a temperature of 25 ◦C, and the airflow is laminar at a Reynolds number of 1000, which corresponds to an averaged air inlet velocity of 1.46 m/s.
I try to do simulations to analyze the temperature of the heat sink and the thermal boundary of it. but when I do the simulation, the result only shows the heat source.Can you attach some images of the cross section - showing how the location/position of the heat sink relates to the air volume?
It also seems the mesh is very coarse - but maybe that's just while you develop the process.0