Running Time of the RuleLearner Operator

Thieme New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

is it possible to estimate how long the RuleLearner will run? I've started the operator with a complex job: 52000 examples with 3000 attributes and a label with 100 classes.

It is running with Intel Core 2 CPU T5500 with 1,6 GHz and 1 GB RAM, the Rapidminer monitor shows me 550 MB usable.

It is running for one week now and I wonder if I should stop the job. ??? Have you any advice for me?



  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    I guess the rule learner will finally come to an end, but the rule set will be unreadable for humans, because it's simply to big.
    One cannot say how long it will run, because this not only depends on the number of examples and attributes, not only on the speed of your cpu but on the data, too. Complex data sets taking longer for being separated than simple ones.

    If you need a faster, human readable learner, you could use the Tree Learner or for using all your CPU cores, the parallel tree learner from the enterprise edition.
