RM 5 Store/Retrieve Operators not Saving/Loading Properly

dragoljub New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hi Everyone,

Using Rapid Miner 5.0 Beta:

I have a fairly large CSV file (2100 samples by 320 features) consisting of positive and negative integers with a range of -8 to +8 and with most entries set to 0. Read CSV properly reads in the file and the meta data view shows no missing entries. After saving the ExampleSet to a repository and loading it back I see many columns contain missing entries replaced by "?". It seems like Store does not properly save the data file and missing entries are created. It looks like values of  "-1" seem to be getting dropped intermittently, while other negative numbers are saved fine.

I have loaded the CSV files using matlab and excell and everything works fine. I have also reproduced this problem by saving an ExampleSet file to CSV using RapidMiner than loading the CSV file into a repository file (.IOO) followed by a retrieve resulting in missing entries.

Hopefully this is just a little text to int glitch. A random CSV matrix of +/- integers may also reproduce this behavior.



  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    thank you for reporting this small little, but very annoying bug. Integer was erroneously saved the same way as nominal attributes, where missings are mapped on -1. This will of course be solved in the final version.

  • dragoljub
    dragoljub New Altair Community Member
    Thanks for the quick reply. Any word on when the next 5.0 version will be available?  ;D

  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    the final release is dated in the mid December.

  • MaHo
    MaHo New Altair Community Member

    when I store an some data (7000 rows 15 colums with values between 0 an 1) with RM5.0.001 some values transform to 0 (even a complete column).
    I tried different formats (Access, CSV, Excel), I even transformed the decimal seperator "," into "." but with no better result.

    Using "Read Excel" worked fine although the meta data tip was not completely correct.

  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    Hi Maho,
    You are still working with a non final version dated a few months ago. I would suggest installing the newest version from source forge. If you wait until tomorrow, it will be the newest update release, we are going to upload in a few hours. We have solved the bugs from the pre final versions until the final release and still are going to improve the software.
