how to verify a data model that we created in rapidminer.......

New Altair Community Member
hiiii all,
i am working on breast cancer data (the dataset contains around 650 entries) to find out the patterns in it using rapidminer. in this database we several field ,and i have to predict whether the breast cancer is benign or malignant (2 for benign and 4 for representing malignant is used)............................ :-[. i have created a data model using rapid and got the following result.................
true 2 true4 class precision
pred 2 433 9 97.96%
pred 4 11 230 95.44%
class recall 97.52% 96.23%
now i want to verify this data model using new data how to verify this ???????....................please help me ..
i am working on breast cancer data (the dataset contains around 650 entries) to find out the patterns in it using rapidminer. in this database we several field ,and i have to predict whether the breast cancer is benign or malignant (2 for benign and 4 for representing malignant is used)............................ :-[. i have created a data model using rapid and got the following result.................
true 2 true4 class precision
pred 2 433 9 97.96%
pred 4 11 230 95.44%
class recall 97.52% 96.23%
now i want to verify this data model using new data how to verify this ???????....................please help me ..
this is exactly what was rapidminer made for. So it's quite easy:
1. Load the data
2. Load the model
3. Apply the model using "ModelApplier"
4. Calculate performance using "ClassificationPerformance".
Of course, your new data has to contain the real label...
Sebastian0 -
sir ............thanks for the we are facing one more problem that is .................when we are loading model using.......... model is asking for a model file(*.mod) but when we are saving the data model ...........the default format it is showing is ( .xml ) .................even we are changing the format and saving it in the (.mod )format.................but when we are running the application it is showing the " wrong format " as an please help us in order to sort out this problem?????0
is your point key stuck?
Use the ModelLoader with the XMLZipped as output type. Then use the ModelLoader for loading again. This should work...