how to verify a data model that we created in rapidminer.......

satyendra New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
hiiii all,
          i am working on breast cancer data (the dataset contains around 650 entries) to find out the patterns in it using rapidminer. in this database we several field ,and i have to predict whether the breast cancer is benign or malignant (2 for benign and 4 for representing malignant is used)............................ :-[. i have created a data model using rapid and got the following result.................

                        true 2                          true4                          class precision

pred 2              433                                  9                                  97.96%
pred 4              11                                  230                                95.44%

class recall    97.52%                          96.23%

  now i want to verify this data model using new data how to verify this ???????....................please help me ..



  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    this is exactly what was rapidminer made for. So it's quite easy:
    1. Load the data
    2. Load the model
    3. Apply the model using "ModelApplier"
    4. Calculate performance using "ClassificationPerformance".

    Of course, your new data has to contain the real label...

  • satyendra
    satyendra New Altair Community Member
    sir ............thanks for the we are facing one more  problem that is .................when we are loading model using.......... model is asking for a model file(*.mod) but when we are saving the data model  ...........the default format it is showing is ( .xml ) .................even we are changing the format and saving it in the (.mod )format.................but when we are running the application it is showing the        " wrong format " as an please help us in order to sort out this problem?????
  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    is your point key stuck?

    Use the ModelLoader with the XMLZipped as output type. Then use the ModelLoader for loading again. This should work...
