Conditional ProcessLog

kifrolz New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hi there,

at the moment I'm writing certain outputs of my running process to a file by using the ProcessLog operator.
But instead of writing all output all the time, I'd like to perform ProcessLog depending on some time-based
criterion (e.g., every 15 minutes, or every i-th iteration).

AFAIK, the ProcesBranch operator is a means to achieve this.
But how can I access time information within the condition_value field?

Could you please give me a hint...

Thanks in advance,


  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    unfortunately this isn't possible right now. At least not in an elegant or at least reasonable way. But it would be possibel to filter the processlog afterwards. You could transform it to an example set, use the attribute construction for designing an attribute indicating if the example should be kept and then filter the exampleset accordingly.
    Perhabs this already solves your needs?

  • kifrolz
    kifrolz New Altair Community Member
    Hi Sebastian,

    thank you for your answer.
    Sebastian Land wrote:

    unfortunately this isn't possible right now. At least not in an elegant or at least reasonable way.
    Well, that's good to know, so I don't miss something obvious.
    Sebastian Land wrote:

    But it would be possibel to filter the processlog afterwards. You could transform it to an example set, use the attribute construction for designing an attribute indicating if the example should be kept and then filter the exampleset accordingly. Perhabs this already solves your needs?
    No, I'm afraid not: the output files generated by ProcessLog at the moment are getting way too huge for my purposes, as the log data is written in every iteration of the process (which runs for a pretty long time). So what I'm looking for is a way to limit the output (as described above), and yet having the option to look at the intermediate results.

    Any other idea?

  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    hmm, beside from implementing, or let us implement, the missing condition?
    You could make some nasty tricks to come around. Means: Create one dummy example set for writing things in, you could then generate everything you like with the macro construction, use the setData operator to set this value into the example set and then use the usuall conditions...
    Since you would have to pass the second example set through, this could become a rather complex thing...
