Scripting mode for RM

michaelhecht New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

I'm really fascinated by the new Groovy-Script operator.

Now I have a really strange idea. Would it be possible to use RM comparable to
R, Scilab or Orange i.e. in a mode that I write only a RM-script with data loader,
data manipulation, learner and predictor and finally saving of results and
inbetween some shell output, diagrams or a little Groovy-GUI for interactive

Its clear to me that is in total contradiction to the graphical design of workflows.
On the other hand instead of writing Java applications with the use of RM library
one could write the entire (little) application inside RM using the Groovy-Script.
(which possibly needs the feature of loading modules for sub-routines to have a
slightly structured rogramming)

Finally the script could be compiled to a jar file and all necessary RM jar files
could automatically be placed together in a directory to run the former Groovy-Sript
as a stand-alone application.

Any comment on this?


  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    Hi Michael,
    I'm not quite sure, which benefits would come from this possibility? The syntax of Groovy very much equals the syntax of java. If I want to write an application with rapidMiner, why shouldn't I use Java directly? How would be a script more powerfull than a java program of nearly the same length?

    But if you feel, that it would suit your needs and possible the need of other users, feel free to implement a plugin for rapid miner. At least it should be technically possible to push RM in that direction.

  • steffen
    steffen New Altair Community Member

    I understand you, Michael ;). But Sebastian is correct, that instead of Groovy you could use Java, which is (as Groovy) pain for "easy-data-manipulation". There are some approaches (GroovyLab , jLab (the first one is still in a very basic state, I didnt try the second one yet), but it is still a long way to go to cope with Python / NumPy or (!) R.

    I guess you want to have an easier way for data manipulation. But the price is the loss of structured reusable data mining processes. We discussed the "scripting issue" before (,29.0.html)

    kind regards,

  • michaelhecht
    michaelhecht New Altair Community Member

    thank you Steffen for the link, it's an interesting discussion. The pros and cons of
    a defined structure vs. the degrees of freedom in free programming is a kind of
    philisophic discussion.

    So this topic was one contribution to this discussion  ;)

    Finally I try to reach the best in mixing the structured workflows with some Groovy
    scripts and see how far I get.