"RapidMiner 4.5 installation problems (Was: RapidMiner 4.5)"

Shubha New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

I was fascinated with Rapid Miner 4.5 and its features. Thanks for the new version. I wanted to install this version (after uninstalling the older 4.4) and downloaded the EXE file. The EXE file ran without any errors. But later, when I try to OPEN Rapid Miner, this doesn't happen.Why is this?

Thanks in advance,


  • fischer
    fischer New Altair Community Member

    I assume by running the EXE you mean running the installer, so the insatallation worked but you cannot run RapidMiner, right? I guess you do that by clicking the RM icon on your desktop or in your start menu. Could you go to your RapidMiner installation directory and run RapidMiner.exe from the command line? Please let me know what you see if you do that.

  • Shubha
    Shubha New Altair Community Member
    Hi Simon,

    Thanks for the reply....

    Since I uninstalled RM 4.5 again and installed RM 4.4, I cannot right now give the exact output of running RM in commandline. But, I remember that I tried it when 4.5 was installed today.

    The error was something like: "Cannot open some files....OR...Cannot find some paths.... ", unlike the 4.4.which opens the RM Window. I will post the exact output, once I am done with installing 4.5 again...

    Thank you,
  • aprila
    aprila New Altair Community Member

    I have a problem with running exe file. I tried to start RapidMiner 4.5 by clicking the icon, right from the installation directory and from the command line too. but nothing happens. it doesn't even show an error message.. could you please explain what the problem is?

    Thank you,
  • fischer
    fischer New Altair Community Member

    as alternative, can you try to run this command from your RapidMiner installation directory on the command prompt:

      jre\bin\java.exe -jar lib\rapidminer.jar

    and tell us what the output is?


  • aprila
    aprila New Altair Community Member

    trying to start java.exe, an error appears:
    C:\Program Files\Rapid-I\RapidMiner\jre\bin\java.exe
    C:\Program Files\Rapid-I\RapidMiner\jre\bin\java.exe is not a Win32 application.

    Thank you
  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    Hi Aprila,
    it seems to me, you downloaded the 64 bit version and using a 32 bit windows. Please download the appropriate version of rapid miner for your operating system.

  • aprila
    aprila New Altair Community Member
    ok. thank you.
    i will try.