VGD Tool computation

Philipp Kessler
Philipp Kessler Altair Community Member
edited December 2020 in Community Q&A

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have some questions regarding the add on tool "VGD" (=Virtual Gauge Director). According the datasheet the VGD "enables engineers to extract the results at the exact position of the strain gauge as in the test lab" but in my case this feature does not work.

For a little overview:

Open panel:

I am starting a new project by using an .hm model file and an .odb result file . image

Instrumental panel:

Afterwards I am defining two gauges (type=SIMPLE) at different nodes.


Subcase panel:

In the subcase panel I cannot see any load cases for a "static" analysis although I have defined one load step which includes six loading cases. If I am choosing "Transient" I can see Step-1 which includes the load cases. Why are these load cases located there although I have a static analysis?


In the next step I am pressing the "Compute" button but I am not understanding what the program is computing. Can you please explain me which dimesions can be calculated and at which positions?

Interpolation panel:

Afterwards the interpolation panel opens automatically but I cannot see any results. I also cannot find any result files. Can you please explain me how can I generate a result file which contains: node-ID at which the gauge is set, element type of the element at which I have defined the gauge, main direction of the virtual gauge, stress and strain results according the user defined coordinate system of the gauge.


Thank you very much for your answer. Iam looking forward to hearing from you soon.

(For your information I am speaking german, I would appreciate to get a german answer)


Philipp Kessler


  • Thomas Guffroy_21152
    Thomas Guffroy_21152
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2020

    Hello Philipp,

    Sorry for this very late answer. Your request seems to have been overseen.

    Very sorry for that.

    If you are still struggling with VGD I can try to give you some hints to find the issue.

    It seems that you are using some Abaqus results. Am I right ?

    VGD read the results files as HyperView does.

    Did you request for nodal stress output, as it is mandatory for VGD to run ?

