"Extracting association rules from a Java program"

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New Altair Community Member
I'm using RapidMiner for extracting association rules from a database table. I ran the process with the GUI and it worked perfectly: it generates 170234 rules.
Running the same process with the same parameters from a Java program written in Eclipse it generates only 11760 rules.
Did someone know why? What should I do to make the process work correctly in my Java program?
Thanks in advance.
Running the same process with the same parameters from a Java program written in Eclipse it generates only 11760 rules.
Did someone know why? What should I do to make the process work correctly in my Java program?
Thanks in advance.
Hello eman
I am sorry, but this description is not specific enough. Could you please post at least the RapidMiner Process you have used to learn the mentioned rules ? Furthermore it would be helpful to see the code. The more information, the more the feedback is shifting from guessing to knowing.