application of learned model

Legacy User
Legacy User New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hello. My question involves the application of a learned model after the train/test process. I've trained a model, evaluated its performance on a predefined test set, and now wish to deploy the model "in the field." Thus, the task I would like to perform consists of classifying a single instance where, of course, the target attribute value is unknown, then reporting that classification to the console or a file. I can't seem to capture the actual classification value from the ResultWriter operator.


  • haddock
    haddock New Altair Community Member

    You don't need a result writer, try this..
    <operator name="Root" class="Process" expanded="yes">
        <description text="#ylt#table#ygt##ylt#tr#ygt##ylt#td#ygt#The ModelApplier operator is one of the most important RapidMiner operators.    It can be used to apply a previously learned model to (unseen) data.    #ylt#/td#ygt##ylt#td#ygt##ylt#icon#ygt#operators/24/model_applier #ylt#/icon#ygt##ylt#/td#ygt##ylt#/tr#ygt##ylt#/table#ygt##ylt#p#ygt#In this process we first load some training data and learn a decision tree model. This model is then applied to the test data set with help of  the model applier. You can add a breakpoint  after the learner operator (from the context menu or by double clicking) in order to inspect the learned model. In this case, you have to resume the process by clicking on the resume button. #ylt#/p#ygt#"/>
        <operator name="TrainingInput" class="ExampleSource">
            <parameter key="attributes" value="../data/golf.aml"/>
        <operator name="DecisionTree" class="DecisionTree">
        <operator name="TestInput" class="ExampleSource">
            <parameter key="attributes" value="../data/golf.test.aml"/>
        <operator name="ModelApplier" class="ModelApplier">
            <list key="application_parameters">
        <operator name="CSVExampleSetWriter" class="CSVExampleSetWriter">
            <parameter key="csv_file" value="C:\Users\CJFP\Documents\rm_workspace\bla.csv"/>