"Downloading documentation"

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New Altair Community Member
I downloaded the documentation several times but can't find it on mydisk. Using Vista HomePremium. Looked under my account's Downloaded files, Downloaded Programs directory (where I didn't expect to find it anyway), did a search on it etc. To no avail. A problem appears to be thatit doesn't tell you where it's going to be downloaded, nor does it ask you whereyou want it downloaded.
Can anyone tell me where the documentation downloads to?
Secondly, as I was going thru the demo, it came up with missing file eror.
Mar 16, 2009 5:21:08 PM: [Fatal] UserError occured in 1st application of ModelLoader (ModelLoader)
Mar 16, 2009 5:21:08 PM: [Fatal] Process failed: Could not read file 'C:\Users\Birol\Documents\rm_workspace\sample\01_IO\model.mod': C:\Users\Birol\Documents\rm_workspace\sample\01_IO\model.mod (Sistem belirtilen dosyay� bulamiyor..i.e. Could not find specified file) ...
Why would the file not be there?
Thanks for your any help you can give. Would really appreciate it if you could e-mail me.
Can anyone tell me where the documentation downloads to?
Secondly, as I was going thru the demo, it came up with missing file eror.
Mar 16, 2009 5:21:08 PM: [Fatal] UserError occured in 1st application of ModelLoader (ModelLoader)
Mar 16, 2009 5:21:08 PM: [Fatal] Process failed: Could not read file 'C:\Users\Birol\Documents\rm_workspace\sample\01_IO\model.mod': C:\Users\Birol\Documents\rm_workspace\sample\01_IO\model.mod (Sistem belirtilen dosyay� bulamiyor..i.e. Could not find specified file) ...
Why would the file not be there?
Thanks for your any help you can give. Would really appreciate it if you could e-mail me.
Hello Birol,
might it be that sourceforge does not start the download at all? Sometimes sourceforce does not work that properly when downloading things. However on our website you find a direct link to the tutorial which is:
Your second problem likely occurs because you executed the sample process containing the [tt]ModelLoader[/tt] operator, but you did not execute a previous process which saved a model, i.e. the sample process concerning the [tt]ModelWriter[/tt] operator.