announcing INQLE v0.3
New Altair Community Member
INQLE (Intelligent Network of Querying and Learning Engines) is a free, open source server, which embeds RapidMiner 4.3.
INQLE's mission is to automate and simplify data mining and the scientific process.
It seeks to bring data mining to the semantic web, by publishing example sets as semantic data, and providing agents to randomly walk these data sets, combining data from different locations.
INQLE provides a plug-in environment, which allows RapidMiner experiments and other algorithms to be added.
INQLE functions:
* Set-up wizard
* Create & manage databases
* Wizard to import spreadsheet data as semantic data (RDF)
* Central INQLE Server for collaborative tagging of semantic classes & properties
* Publish semantic data
* Faceted semantic data browsing
* "The Learning Cycle": repeated execution of automated machine learning experiments
* Customization of learning strategies
* Review and export of experimental results
* Java
* Jena semantic web toolkit provides machine-readable data (RDF) and the back-end database.
* Jenabean permits Java objects to be persisted to RDF.
* RapidMiner provides machine learning experiments.
* Equinox OSGi provides automated agents and extensibility through plug-ins.
* Eclipse Rich AJAX Platform (RAP) provides the web-based console and wizards.
We are always open to collaborators who can help with
* using INQLE on your data, toward publishing research
* validating and extending our approach to automated machine learning
* conceptually modeling scientific research; publishing a "research ontology"
* Java programming, to extend INQLE with plug-ins
* More future directions here
Many thanks to Rapid-I for such a fine open source machine learning product as RapidMiner! Without it INQLE would not be possible.
INQLE's mission is to automate and simplify data mining and the scientific process.
It seeks to bring data mining to the semantic web, by publishing example sets as semantic data, and providing agents to randomly walk these data sets, combining data from different locations.
INQLE provides a plug-in environment, which allows RapidMiner experiments and other algorithms to be added.
INQLE functions:
* Set-up wizard
* Create & manage databases
* Wizard to import spreadsheet data as semantic data (RDF)
* Central INQLE Server for collaborative tagging of semantic classes & properties
* Publish semantic data
* Faceted semantic data browsing
* "The Learning Cycle": repeated execution of automated machine learning experiments
* Customization of learning strategies
* Review and export of experimental results
* Java
* Jena semantic web toolkit provides machine-readable data (RDF) and the back-end database.
* Jenabean permits Java objects to be persisted to RDF.
* RapidMiner provides machine learning experiments.
* Equinox OSGi provides automated agents and extensibility through plug-ins.
* Eclipse Rich AJAX Platform (RAP) provides the web-based console and wizards.
We are always open to collaborators who can help with
* using INQLE on your data, toward publishing research
* validating and extending our approach to automated machine learning
* conceptually modeling scientific research; publishing a "research ontology"
* Java programming, to extend INQLE with plug-ins
* More future directions here
Many thanks to Rapid-I for such a fine open source machine learning product as RapidMiner! Without it INQLE would not be possible.
that really sound interesting. And also thanks for your kind words. I am desperately trying to not work this weekend but I have already downloaded INQLE and will give it a try during the next days.