"Logistic Regression - Tests"

New Altair Community Member
I was working with Logitic Regression for the first time in Rapid Miner. I found that Rapid Miner produces results with just the co-efficients and none of the significnace tests are run. For Example - Hosmer Lemeshow Goodness of fit. I found something similar happening with Linear regression.
Is there a way to produce the significance tests and other regression diagnostics like residuals analysis etc?
I was working with Logitic Regression for the first time in Rapid Miner. I found that Rapid Miner produces results with just the co-efficients and none of the significnace tests are run. For Example - Hosmer Lemeshow Goodness of fit. I found something similar happening with Linear regression.
Is there a way to produce the significance tests and other regression diagnostics like residuals analysis etc?
You are clearly coming from the Stats camp (so am I). No, you will not find standard errors or t-stats in any major Data Mining software (Weka, RapidMIner, Knime, etc). If you need them you could try to use R and a package for Data Mining, Rattle. Check rattle.togaware.com. You will find info there.0
Thanks for your reply. I was actually using Rattle for the work I was doing. I was exploring if Rapid Miner could produce similar results. I like the Rapid Miner interface.