How to read USB HID device ?

Jeff_wu Altair Community Member
edited August 2023 in Community Q&A

I want to use Embed to read the USB HID device and post-process the data, how can I do it?



  • Ric_22025
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2023

    Hi Robert, the USB HID device will function as if it were a serial device.  All supported targets support serial interface and there are example models"Examples/ Embedded" that illustrate how this works.  What micro are you planning to use?

  • Jeff_wu
    Jeff_wu Altair Community Member
    edited March 2023
    Ric_22025 said:

    Hi Robert, the USB HID device will function as if it were a serial device.  All supported targets support serial interface and there are example models"Examples/ Embedded" that illustrate how this works.  What micro are you planning to use?

    Hi Ric, I have a tachometer with a usb connection and included software (can display tach and save as .xls) . The signal displayed on the PC is a USB serial port and not a COM serial port. I hope to read the USB signal and integrate and display the data in Embed ("blocks/Real Time/Serial Read"). My goal is to use Embed to integrate common signals (RS232, RS485, SPI, I2C, USB, UART, Modbus...)on PC (not Targets). Thanks for your help.