Pre-install checklist for Altair SLC Hub

Nico Chart_21517
Altair Employee

Altair SLC Hub is ideal for enterprise customers who have multiple SLC servers or require the specific functionality offered by Altair SLC Hub. Customers with a single SLC server license do not require Altair SLC Hub but can operate SLC in a client/server configuration where Altair Analytics Workbench is the client app, and Altair SLC provides the shared SAS language compilation and execution environment.
Here are some questions to consider before starting to install Altair SLC Hub. Full details are found on
- Before technical considerations, we hope you can clarify what are the features of SLC Hub that you would hope to be utilising:
- invocation of stored programs (artifacts) from REST API (URL) or from batch?
- organisation of jobs into pipelines?
- scheduling or triggering of job execution?
- central administration of library definitions and authentication domains?
- providing Workbench users with access to servers and to schedulers?
- What version of Operating System are you looking to install the hub and worker on?
- One server will be required to run the SLC Hub and one or more servers will be required to run the SLC Worker Node(s). Do you have these systems ready and available for install?
- The installation process will require sudo/administrator access can you confirm that this will be available for the installation?
- The Hub and the Worker nodes will require licences. Do you have these available? If not, you should request evaluation licenses from your Altair Sales Account Manager.
- End-users and testers will need to have Altair Analytics Workbench 5.0 installed so that they can test access to the hub after installation. You can download and install the Workbench MSI in advance of installing the Hub. (n.b. The workbench doesn’t require a licence.)
- Hub requires a small amount of s3 storage. This can be hosted on a local system or in the cloud. Can you confirm that you this is available prior to the installation? (Or if you need assistance setting this up?)
- Hub requires a small PostgreSQL database. This can be hosted on a local system or in the cloud. Can you confirm that you this is available prior to the installation? (Or if you need assistance setting this up?)
- Altair Analytics Workbench and also the end-user’s internet browser can connect to Hub via HTTPS. This requires routing/firewall access and SSL Certificate setup. Self-signed certificates can be used during testing. Hub will generate CSR that can be submitted to your certificate provider who will return certificates for use by Hub.
- AD (Active Directory) LDAP integration is required, so your local AD/LDAP supporter will need to be consulted. During proof-of-concept projects it is possible to skip AD integration and set up a few local users on the Hub and Worker machines, providing they can be given access to any data files and databases required to test end-user jobs.
- OpenSSL (version 3.0 or higher) must be already installed on your worker nodes.
- Will Python and/or R be required on the Worker hosts?
- End-user SAS language jobs may access databases. Drivers must be installed on Worker hosts, and routing/authentication needs to be considered.
- End-user SAS language jobs may access data files (WPD, SAS7BDAT, XLSX, etc). Are these on disks mounted to the Worker hosts? Bear in mind that end-user programs may reference file/folder paths that may need to be adjusted to match those on the Worker hosts - especially when paths need converting from Linux to/from Windows.
- If a Windows worker node needs to access a shared drive then AD constrained delegation must be enabled.