How do I find out what procedures and functions are supported in Altair SLC?
We would recommend you run the code analysis functionality in the Workbench to find out about current language compatibility and support within Altair SLC. If you have imported some SAS language programs into a Workbench project then you can select the project in the Project Explorer and use the right hand mouse button to select Analyse->Program Compatibility or Analyse->Language Support.
Current language syntax that we do support should be found in Altair SLC Reference for Language Elements here If you have specific procedures or functions that you utilise in many of your programs we would be happy to raise enhancement requests on your behalf if you could prioritize them in some way. In some situations we may be able to offer a workaround or alternative approach until such functionality becomes available.
Please help us by ensuring that any issues are reported to Altair Support in a clear and unambiguous way supported by either testcases or evidence of expected behaviour. However if you have a pressing concern or wish to find a solution to an architectural or business critical problem, we have a solutions team that would be happy to contact you to discuss. Please let us know if you wish to pursue this further.