Configure SLC Hub Worker node for PROC Python and PROC R usage

Nico Chart_21517
Altair Employee

On the Hub Worker node(s):
Python and R can be downloaded and installed separately* and it is also possible to use the Anaconda system.
Download and run the anaconda sh file.
Check the version: conda info
Install R: conda install r-base
(/opt/anaconda/bin/R now exists)
PROC R also requires: conda install r-jsonlite
No need to install Python ... it is already present in Anaconda
PROC PYTHON also requires: numpy and pandas (python3 -m pip3 install numpy)
Add the following settings to<strong><span style="font-family: courier new, courier;">etc/nomad_plugin.yam</span></strong>l:
(Note: not _custom!)
PYTHONHOME: /opt/anaconda3
R_HOME: /opt/anaconda3/lib/R
hubctl service restart
note: If not using Anaconda then python is probably installed into the operating system so use:
R_HOME: /usr
note: In some cases we have needed to add a specific setting for the Python library:
PYTHONLIB: /opt/anaconda3/lib/
* To install R alone you may use "yum install R" but on CentOS and RHEL you may first need to "yum install epel-release".