List all file locations used by Altair SLC products

File locations used by SLC products
Updated for version 2024.0, April 2024.
Note: "WPS" is now called "Altair SLC" so where (in previous versions) filenames contained "wps" these now contain "altairslc". Our products continue to detect and utilize the old filenames but files should be renamed to the new names wherever possible.
Altair Analytics Workbench
1. Installation of Workbench
Windows: C:\Program Files\Altair\Analytics Workbench\2024
Linux: /opt/altair/analyticsworkbench/2024
macOS: /Applications/
The installation location can be changed at the time the software is installed.
2. Desktop icon
Windows: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Altair\Analytics Workbench\Altair Analytics Workbench
Linux: /usr/share/applications/altairanalyticsworkbench-2024.desktop
macOS: /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
3. User’s workflow temp files
Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\.workbenchIntermediateFiles
Linux: ~/.workbenchIntermediateFiles
macOS: ~/.workbenchIntermediateFiles
Note: There is potential for large disk space use here but users can set file size limits in Workbench.
4. User’s workbench configuration
Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Altair\Analytics Workbench\2024
Linux: ~/.workbench/2024
macOS: ~/.workbench/2024
This can be configured by software administrators at installation time. See separate KB article.
5. Workbench / Hub Server configuration
Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Altair\Analytics Workbench\Workbench
Linux: ~/.workbench/Workbench
macOS: ~/.workbench/Workbench
6. User workspaces. Contains workbench localisations and ‘projects’ containing SAS source code and files.
Windows: %MYDOCUMENTS%\Workbench Workspaces\Workspace1
Linux: ~/Workbench Workspaces/Workspace1
macOS: ~/Workbench Workspaces/Workspace1
This is the location for the user's first Workspace as proposed when the user first runs Workbench. In subsequent usage the software proposes the previously used Workspace folder/directory locations. The first time suggestion can be configured by software administrators at installation time. See separate KB article.
7. Misc other - please ignore
Windows: C:\Users\USERNAME\.altairslc, .eclipse, .ssh
Linux: ~/.altairslc, .eclipse, .ssh
macOS: ~/.altairslc, .eclipse, .ssh
Altair SLC
1. Installation of Altair SLC
Windows: C:\Program Files\Altair\SLC\2024
Linux: /opt/altair/slc/2024
macOS: /Applications/
The installation location can be changed at the time the software is installed.
2. Batch command
Windows: C:\Program Files\Altair\SLC\2024\bin\wps
Linux: /opt/altair/SLC/2024/bin/wps
macOS: /Applications/
3. SAS language system option defaults (See Appendix 1 below)
Windows: C:\Program Files\Altair\SLC\2024\altairslc.cfg
Linux: /opt/altair/SLC/2024/altairslc.cfg
macOS: /Applications/
You are advised not to change this file but instead to create an additional file to contain only your local settings. See next point below.
4. SAS language system option overrides for all users
Windows: C:\ProgramData\Altair\slc\altairslc.cfg
Linux: /etc/altair/altairslc.cfg
macOS: /etc/altair/altairslc.cfg
May alternatively be called altairslc_local.cfg.
5. Personal SAS language system option overrides for one user
Windows: %MYDocuments%\My WPS Files\altairslc.cfg
Linux: ~/altairslc.cfg
macOS: ~/altairslc.cfg
6. Automatically executed SAS language startup script (For all users):
Windows: C:\Program Files\Altair\Analytics Workbench\2024\
Linux: /opt/altair/analyticsworkbench/2024/
macOS: /Applications/
7. Personal automatically executed SAS language startup script:
Windows: %MYDocuments%\
Linux: ~/
macOS: ~/
8. BASH Shell additional startup script for SLC (For all users):
Windows: n/a
Linux: /opt/altair/analyticsworkbench/2024/ (May alternative be put into /etc/altair/)
macOS: /Applications/
9. Personal BASH Shell additional startup script for SLC (for one user):
Windows: n/a
Linux: ~/
macOS: ~/
10. User’s WORK library for temporary data sets
Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\WPS Temporary Data\_TDsession-id
Linux: /tmp/WPS_worksession-id_hostname
macOS: /tmp/WPS_worksession-id_hostname
Potential here for large disk space use. Operating system quotas can be used to control disk space usage.
The ‘cleanwork’ utility can be scheduled to perform garbage collection.
11. Misc other - please ignore
Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\workbench\EBWebView
Linux: ~/.swt/trims.prefs
macOS: ~/.local/share/webkitgtk
Altair SLC Hub
1. Installation of Altair SLC Hub
Windows: C:\Program Files\Altair\SLC Hub
Linux: /opt/altair/slchub
macOS: n/a
2. Hub settings files
Windows: C:\ProgramData\altair\SLC Hub
Linux: /opt/altair/slchub
macOS: n/a
3. Hub legacy license file
Windows: C:\ProgramData\altair\SLC Hub\licence.txt
Linux: /opt/altair/slchub/var/licence.txt
macOS: n/a
4. Hub log files
Windows: C:\ProgramData\altair\SLC Hub\log
Linux: (Use journalctl)
macOS: n/a
Windows log files are rotated when 10m file size limit is reached.
5. Hub control command line utility
Windows: C:\Program Files\Altair\SLC Hub\bin\hubctl
Linux: /usr/bin/hubctl
macOS: n/a
6. Nomad port range
Linux only: /etc/sysctl.d/99-slchub-nomad
7. Service control scripts
Windows: C:\Program Files\Altair\SLC Hub\services\slchub.*.xml
Linux: /usr/lib/systemd/system/slchub.*.service
macOS: n/a
8. Plugin configuration
Windows only: %APPDATA%\AltairSLCHubExcelAddIn
1. Legacy license
Windows: C:\ProgramData\Altair\SLC\5\setinit.dat
Linux: /var/lib/altair/slc/5/setinit.dat
macOS: /Library/Preferences/worldprogramming/WPS/5/setinit.dat
2. Altair Units license
Windows: C:\Users\USERNAME\.altair_licensing -- analytics_workbench.xml
Linux: ~/.altair_licensing -- analytics_workbench.xml
Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\.altair
Linux: ~/AppData/Local/Temp/.altair
Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\.altair_licensing
Linux: ~/AppData/Local/.altair_licensing
Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\x-formation
Appendix 1: CFG file precedence:
Default ordering for config files for unix is:
// altairslc.cfg in root wps installation directory
// altairslc_local.cfg in wps root installation directory
// if /etc/altair exists:
// altairslc.cfg in /etc/altair
// altairslc_local.cfg in /etc/altair
// altairslcv<maj>.cfg in /etc/altair
// altairslcv<maj>_<min>.cfg in /etc/altair
// else if /etc/worldprogramming exists:
// wps.cfg in /etc/worldprogramming
// wps_local.cfg in /etc/worldprogramming
// wpsv<maj>.cfg in /etc/worldprogramming
// wpsv<maj>_<min>.cfg in /etc/worldprogramming
// (.altairslc.cfg OR .wps.cfg) in your home directory
// (altairslc.cfg OR wps.cfg) in your home directory
// .altairslcv<maj>.cfg in your home directory
// altairslcv<maj>.cfg in your home directory
// .altairslcv<maj>_<min>.cfg in your home directory
// altairslcv<maj>_<min>.cfg in your home directory
// (altairslc.cfg OR wps.cfg) in your current directory
// altairslcv<maj>.cfg in your current directory
// altairslcv<maj>_<min>.cfg in your current directory
There are also restricted configuration files. These files contain system options that cannot be set using any other method. The files are based on the user's user id and group id. For example, if the user is user and the group is group, the following configuration files are processed:
1. misc/rstropts/raltairslc.cfg in the Altair SLC installation directory
2. misc/rstropts/groups/group_raltairslc.cfg in the Altair SLC installation directory
3. misc/rstropts/users/user_raltairslc.cfg in the Altair SLC installation directory