How do I connect to a Vertica database from Windows?

Nico Chart_21517
Nico Chart_21517
Altair Employee
edited April 23 in Altair RapidMiner

PLEASE NOTE Our Vertica engine is deprecated in 2024 and removed from the software in future versions.

SLC supports access to Vertica databases via the LIBNAME VERTICA engine.

Vertica as a column-based storage system (developed from the open-source C-Store system) accessed via an ODBC interface.
Vertica supplies an ODBC driver that needs to be installed such as VerticaSetup-7.2.3-0_Win_x86_x64.exe on a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system.

(Make sure you select the correct connector to match your 64-bit Altair SLC installation as we no longer support 32-bit.)

Having double-clicked on the executable above and selected the default components you will then need to open ODBC administration window, open the command prompt and run "C:\Windows\system32\odbcad32.exe".
Alternatively, go to Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools, select ODBC Data Sources (64-bit).
In the newly opened dialog, click "Add ..." button and select Vertica from the list and click finish.
A new dialog opens. Input values as per below and click the Test Connection button.
DSN Name: Vertica
Port: 5433
where anything in <> needs to be replaced with your actual values. You should then be able to connect to your Vertica server using a LIBNAME statement of the form:

libname _vert vertica user=<YOUR_VERTICA_USER> password=<YOUR_VERTICA_PWD> DSN=vertica;
