How do I configure alternative WORK library locations for SLC Hub users?

Nico Chart_21517
Nico Chart_21517
Altair Employee
edited July 2024 in Altair RapidMiner

In SLC Hub the WORK location is managed by the 'nomad' service and the usual setting of WORK in the .cfg file is not used.

You can override this behaviour by CLEARING the WORK option in a 'Facet' of an 'Execution Profile'.

(A 'facet' is simply a collection of system options. Note that the system options in a facet are labelled with: SET or CLEAR or INSERT or APPEND. This allows system options to be added/changed (SET), removed (CLEAR), or edited [INSERT/APPEND - for multi-part system options] relative to the base set of system options from the initial configuration. By default, an Execution Profile has no facets, so no special system options, in which case the usual initial system options are found from the .cfg files etc.)

You can specify a system option to be SET for all worker nodes. For example I might set WORK to be /big_disk (if I was sure that /big_disk was available on all workers).

There is also the option to specify CLEAR (instead of SET). In this case, the central control of the setting is released, and the specific setting (e.g. in altairslc.cfg) is honoured.

By default, all temporary storage is owned by 'nomad' and is released when the hub session terminates ... but we recognise that other strategies for WORK are often needed.

If you do take WORK outside of nomad control then you need to provide some way to clean up WORK folders if they are orphaned. The 'cleanwork' utility can be used (see separate FAQ). In other words, if the WORK library folders/directories are within 'nomad' directories then nomad takes care of garbage collection. Otherwise, 'cleanwork' should be configured to delete any 'work' directories that have been left lying around (e.g. if a session terminates unexpectedly).

