How do I get started with PROC R on a MAC?

Nico Chart_21517
Nico Chart_21517
Altair Employee
edited June 2023 in Altair RapidMiner

Download and install R on the MAC. Version 2.1 onwards - please use the latest.

If you are using the Altair Analytics Workbench you may like to try setting the R_HOME environmental variable in the server->properties->launch options by adding a 'New' variable. Typically for a MAC this would be set to something like /library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources if R has been installed as a typical Mac application.

You might like to test your setup using a program of the form:

%put R_HOME = %sysget(R_HOME);
%put HOME = %sysget(HOME);

/* Return the version of R */

just to check everything is set correctly inside your code. If R_HOME is not set you should be able to add the line

options SET=R_HOME "/library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources";

at the top of your source code and re-try.
